Tonight's Homework:
Mr. Turner's Class-SOAR Interview and Context Clues Worksheet (front and back)
Mrs. Zimmerman's Class-Context Clues Worksheet and Read 20+ minutes-Come ready to share your first status! :)
What's Happening in Room 824?
This week we will learn how: historians determine if information is true, readers use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words, scholars have respectful conversations, readers analyze pictures and texts to infer meaning. We will also write about our summers and then take our Unit 1 Test (Thursday) to be used as pretest that will help identify areas of focus throughout the next couple weeks. This test will not be graded; it is solely used for planning purposes.
Mrs. Z:)
This week we will learn how: historians determine if information is true, readers use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words, scholars have respectful conversations, readers analyze pictures and texts to infer meaning. We will also write about our summers and then take our Unit 1 Test (Thursday) to be used as pretest that will help identify areas of focus throughout the next couple weeks. This test will not be graded; it is solely used for planning purposes.
Mrs. Z:)