Language Arts: Spelling word scramble, QAF
Math: 15-1 practice and reteach
Social Studies: Chapter 8 test Fri. 3-9
Science: Quiz Friday on how plants survive the winter, examples of each, and the cycle of a deciduous tree
Language Arts: Spelling word scramble, QAF Math: 15-1 practice and reteach Social Studies: Chapter 8 test Fri. 3-9 Science: Quiz Friday on how plants survive the winter, examples of each, and the cycle of a deciduous tree Homework
Language Arts: Spelling Page 133, Math: None Social Studies: Chapter 8 test Fri. 3-9 Science: Quiz Friday on how plants survive the winter, examples of each, and the cycle of a deciduous tree Homework
Language Arts: Packet Due Friday Spelling Trace Picture, Figurative Language Quiz Math: 14-5 practice and re-teach Social Studies: Letter Due Thursday Science: Tree Cycle "slider" Due Monday Homework
Language Arts: Packet Due Friday, Spelling Page 127 Math: Pg 355 #15-25 Social Studies: Letter Due Thursday Science: Tree Cycle "slider" Due Monday Homework
Language Arts: Math: 14-3 Practice and Reteach Social Studies: Quiz Tues. (This is a change) Science: None Coming Up: Math: Mass and Weight Science: Forests Social Studies: Revolutionary War, Quiz Tuesday Add Comment Homework
Language Arts:Comma Worksheet Comma Quiz Fri. Math: 14-2 Practice and Reteach Social Studies: Pick People for Project; Quiz Tues. (This is a change) Science: Wear Boots (Or shoes that can get muddy and wet) We WILL BE GOING OUT unless it is raining Homework
Language Arts:Word Search;Comma Review, Comma Quiz Fri. Math: 14-1 Practice and Reteach Social Studies: Finish Lesson 3 notes; Quiz Tues. (This is a change) Science: None Homework
Language Arts:Spelling Page 121; Comma Quiz Fri. Math: None Social Studies: Finish Lesson 3 notes; Quiz Tues. (This is a change) Science: None Homework
Language Arts: Earthquake Terror Test, Spelling 92 Math: Pg 342, 343 Odds and #4; Test Tuesday Social Studies: Lessons 2 and 3 Quiz Thurs. Science: None Coming Up: Math: Topic 13 Test Tuesday Social Studies: Chapter 8 Continued Quiz on Lessons 2 and 3 Thursday Science: Temperate Forests Continued. Special Note: Weather permitting we will be going outside to photograph the Forest in Shutdown on Friday. This may mean a very muddy experience, We will decide on Thursday whether to go or not, but please plan on sending appropriate footwear. |
AuthorMr. Turner is a Fifth Grade teacher. He teaches Science and Archives
December 2018