I would like to welcome you and your child to fifth grade. I am looking forward to the start of an incredible year. In order to make fifth grade a rewarding experience for your child, it is important to be informed. The following is some general information about schedules, curriculum, and classroom policies. I hope that this information is helpful, and please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Supplies: In order for your child to be successful in fifth grade, they need to be organized. As a team, our fifth graders this year will be organizing their materials with a binder system. Our fifth grade team is requesting that each student come to school with the following materials:
A 2-inch binder (enclosable binders with a zipper and a strap are nice)
A pack of 7 subject dividers (Pocket dividers are nice!)
5 book covers (Several of the text books are large, so please make sure your
covers will fit these texts)
A vinyl 3-hole punched pencil case with a supply of pencils
Dry Erase Markers
Box of Kleenex and Hand Sanitizer
Binder hole punch (optional)
Grading Scale: Your child will be assessed in a variety of forms throughout the school year including homework, quizzes, tests, writing samples, projects, and much, much more. We feel that it is important that students are held accountable for their work and therefore assess most of what they complete. The grading scale that the Pine Richland School District is listed below.
100%-90% A
89% - 80% B
79% - 70% C
69% - 60% D
59% - Lower F
Homework Policies: Homework is an important component of education. It not only reinforces concepts and skills taught in school, but also serves as a communication tool between school and home. Homework allows student to share with parents what occurred during a school day. I will try my best not to assign homework on weekends, and will never assign homework as a punishment.
Homework assignments are posted in all the fifth grade classrooms on a clearly marked board that resembles the assignment book given to students the first day of school. Students will be given ample time to record assignments, and assignments will remain posted until the end of each school week. Some assignments will be given for the week or several days. It is the student’s responsibility to record these assignments and develop a schedule for completion (this teaches students not to procrastinate). All assignments must be recorded on a daily basis! An at-home monitoring system of the assignment book is highly recommended to ensure student success.
I do not anticipate homework difficulties this year, but if they arise, the following is the policy that I will use. Each homework assignment is worth two points. If a student does not complete his or her homework, they will be given a zero for that particular homework assignment. If the assignment is subsequently completed and turned in they will earn one point. If a student misses several assignments I will contact you promptly to let you know they are having trouble completing homework. In order to instill responsibility in our students, homework not completed and turned in at the beginning of class will be counted as late, and therefore earn only one point. We want the students to learn that homework is a two-part process, completing the work at home and bringing it to school on time.
Team Teaching: Your student will have a variety of teachers this year. They will have me ([email protected]) for Science, Social Studies, and Math. They will have Mrs. Byers ([email protected]) for Reading, Writing and Language Arts. We will be working together to coordinate projects, tests, and curriculum.
Cafeteria Reminder: This is just a reminder of the computerized lunch money program used at Pine Richland. If your child wishes to buy lunch, please send in a check payable to “Pine Richland Cafeteria Fund” or cash and include your child’s pin number on the check or envelope.
Room Temperture: Our room temperature is unpredictable. Your child may wish
to dress in layers or keep a sweater or sweatshirt in his or her locker.
Art Shirts: Art shirts are optional. If you would like your child to have an art shirt,
one may be kept in the locker. The art teachers suggest that it be a short-sleeved tee shirt
(no shirts with buttons please).
Physical Education: The PE teachers ask that children wear athletic shoes on PE
days as well as appropriate clothing. Flip-flops or sandals of any kind and “Heely” shoes
are not proper PE shoes. With the A/B schedule, remembering PE days may be difficult.
We will do our best to remind the students, but recommend marking your calendar at
home so that your child is prepared for class.
Friday Flash: Friday Flash is an online district resource. Information from the
office or the district is posted online via Friday Flash. Please register for and read the
information on Friday Flash. Students might occasionally also receive some information
such as book/software orders and other hard copy forms. They will be responsible for
placing such items in the NOTES SECTION of their binder pocket.
Parent Involvement: As many of you already know, Pine-Richland embraces the involvement of parents within the school environment. There are many opportunities for you to become involved in your child’s education! As the school year gets underway, please look for information regarding these opportunities, and feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about volunteering.
I will also be instituting a small amount of homework for all of you on a weekly basis. Throughout the course of the week, students are graded on various tests, quizzes, projects, and activities. In order to keep you informed, the students and I will collect these items and organize them into a weekly take home folder. Every Friday, please look for this folder in your child’s book bag and review the papers inside. Sign the front of the folder and return it with your child to school by the following Monday.
I am very enthusiastic about this school year! With the new continued growth and development of our existing curricula, we will be learning many exciting things in fifth grade. It is my goal as the classroom teacher to not only prepare students for the sixth grade, but to also help them grow socially and emotionally. I wish to keep our lines of communication open. If I feel the need to discuss any aspect of your child’s education, I will contact you promptly. If you have any questions, please call the school, (724) 443-1450, or e-mail me at [email protected].
Fifth grade will be having our “Let’s Get Acquainted” meeting on Wednesday, September 20th from 7:00-8:00 PM. Our Get Acquainted meeting will be held in our homeroom, room 823. At that time, I will discuss the topics addressed in this letter, along with other policies and programs that we will be encountering throughout the duration of this school year.
For updates and information regarding all school activities, please visit our class website at fifthgradeforest.weebly.com, and the Eden Hall Upper Elementary website.
Thank you,
Mr. Chris Turner